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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stain glass Painting patterns - Birds

After a month of long break I'm back with a new post on glass painting, yes a stain glass painting.

Firstly sorry to everyone for not having regular posts now a days. This is coz of my new job and long travelling hours, due to which i cannot find time to have any new work. Still I'm on process with a new quilling project, which will be seen soon.

Here now I'm posting a cute little stained glass painting. My first trial on stained glass, it came out quite well. And one more thing I'll try my best to have one post a week for sure so that you can all enjoy new work and learn new things too.

Note: Readers who like this design can copy it to try their hands on the same work.

Now tell me how is this new stain glass painting work. Comments please :)


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year...!!!

Let us all gather and pray god to fullfill our dreams with the new year. Shower his blessings with peace, happiness and rejoice all the days of our life. On new year let us all pray for well-being, peace, prosperity, love, affection and desire from God for this new year 2010.


Wishing you all a very right and prosperous New Year.