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Monday, September 8, 2008

Flower Making - Colourful Stocking flowers

Stocking flowers, the most beautiful and creative one. Its a very interesting craft that you can try out. The main thing you will need for making stocking flower is lot of aluminium wire as everything you need to make is with the wire itself

1. Stocking Cloth (different colours)
2. Aluminium wire
3. Flower thread
4. Pips
5. Green tape

1. Firstly think of the petal of any flower that you would like to make, take a piece aluminium wire and make the shape of the petal with the wire.

2. Tie both the ends of wire tightly and now take stocking cloth and cover the wire completely.

3. Make sure the stocking cloth is stretched completely so that it looks like shaded cloth and tie the end tightly. In this way make as many petals you want for flower.

4. Take some 4-5 pips and tie it using a piece of aluminium wire, then arrange petals one by one to the wire.

In this way you can come out with this beautiful creation.

Here is one for you.

Stocking Flowers

Beautiful stocking flowers.

Stocking Flowers

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